All printables offered on Itsy Bitsy Keiki are free for personal use. They are the property of Itsy Bitsy Keiki LLC and they are not to be used in any way to make a profit. I hope you enjoy doing these activities with your keiki!
Cut out the sides and adhere to something cube shaped (from a pocket cube to a Kleenex box) and then let the good (learning!) times roll!
E Ho‘olikelike i Nā Helu! Using the a'a lau cards, invite your keiki to match the veins from the card on to the lau kalo using popsicle sticks. You will need 7 full popsicle sticks and 3 half popsicle sticks! |
Using the pieces from our Nā Mea Kanu Counting Puzzle, have your keiki place the pieces onto this mat to further reinforce their counting skills (included, but not limited to, number sequence, one to one correspondence, and cardinality)!
E Ho‘opili I Na Helu! Have your keiki draw lines to connect the correct number, image and word. Mai poina to color in the images too! Depending on your keiki’s ability, you can also have them cut out the numbers, images and words and arrange them together in numerical order!
Have your keiki complete the ABAB pattern using our Waiho'olu'u Blocks. Patterning is an early math skill that focuses on making predictions and logical connections.
E Kala Ma Ka Helu! (Color By Number) 'Ula'ula, 'Alani a me Melemele 'Ōma'oma'o, Polū a me Poni
This coloring page consists of an ahupua'a that incorporates all the different mea (things) from our "My First Waiho'olu'u Book". Head over to our shop to get yourself a copy of the book and our Waiho'olu'u Block set!
Placemat Labels (in ‘Ōlelo Hawai'i & English) There are four sets of labels in the PDF above to make four placemats. You can laminate the placemats with a laminator or use contact paper (make sure you seal it well!) Below are a few options for how to make them: Option 1: No kāwele (napkin) ![]()
Option 2: With kāwele (napkin)
Option 3: No separate circle for pola (bowl) ![]()
Print out this poster and place it in your bathroom at home and practice following the steps to hand washing! Point out the pictures as your keiki moves through the steps and use the simple language provided. This can help ensure that the language around hand washing is consistent between all adults in your household! |
Ko’u Mo’okūauhau Poster ![]() Choose which size you’d like to print. Fill in the boxes accordingly. If you don’t have pictures, draw them with your keiki! Add names if possible. Use the blank space around the kalo to put photos of your ‘ohana together.
Nā Ka'a Memory Game Cards ![]() Print out two copies of the above PDF. (You need two of each card to play memory ;) ) Assemble them by: 1. Cutting out the front and back of each card together. 2. Fold in half. 3. Glue front and back together. 4. Cut off excess at bottom of the card. 5. Laminate if possible! This will help for durability and longevity. 5. Optional: round the corners of the cards. Lamination can be very spiky so rounding the corners make the cards super keiki friendly. 6. Play with the cards! ***For younger keiki, I suggest starting with a smaller amount of cards. I like to start with four different vehicles and see how they do. We want to set them up for success, not frustration (that goes for you too :P) !
You can also check out our Instagram for a video about how to assemble these cards! |
Nā Ka'a Sorting Game Board ![]() Print out the game board above to play the Nā Ka'a Sorting Game. For the vehicle pieces, print out Nā Ka'a Matching Game Board and cut out the vehicles. (They are premeasured to fit on this game board! :) )
Tips for Sorting Game:
Nā Ka'a Matching Game Board ![]() Print out this game board twice! Use one for the board and cut out the vehicles in the other one. Add magnets to the back of the vehicles and use them for a fun matching game...or use the magnetic vehicles in our Nā Ka'a Sorting Game!
Tips for the Matching Game:
Choose with your keiki what color they want for each weather type and fill in the kī waiho'ulu'u (color key). Then use this calendar to fill out what the weather was like each day! Use this calendar to:
Use these icons with our Anilā
Reporter activity daily. They are sized to be secured onto clothespins but they can be used in many different ways. Let us know how you use them by sending us a picture to our Instagram account!
Print and paste this question and answer onto a sturdy piece of material (cardstock, poster board, card board). Using the Anilā icons, have your keiki answer this question daily. If possible, put this question close to or on a window so your keiki can look directly outside when you ask them what the weather is like today.
Keep track of the weather throughout the week using this chart! After seven days, ask you keiki what kind of weather we had the most of and what we had the least of. If they cannot do "most/least" yet, focus on counting the total of each type of weather.
Pro tip: Keeping track vertically makes it easier for your keiki to visually see which has the most and least.
While we've mentioned that real objects are best for counting, making them is also a great option! When your keiki make them, they can use other skills like coloring and cutting...and this pua picking activity has it all! Read our instructions for further guidance on how to make the most of this activity with math talk! You can also use our one to one grid for Step 4!
Pro tip: If 5 flowers are not enough for your keiki, add more! If five flowers are too much, do less! |
Supplement Activity to the "How To Count" Printable: Practice one to one correspondence with your keiki by having them place one object in each box. Count aloud with them as they place each object. |
Our very first printable condenses everything we've covered so far about counting, which include the "How Tos" of Counting and how to practice them! Click on the picture above for a PDF version that you can print! No printer? No problem! Take a screenshot of it on your phone! |